Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
You have to write your biographies as comments to this post.
Don't forget to write your name!
How to Write an Autobiography
Learning how to write an autobiography can be challenging and rewarding. Breaking it down into steps can be helpful if you don't know where to start. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
- Make a list of your ten best moments.
Make a list of your five worst moments.
Think about what moves you emotionally and write these things down.
Examine your life for meaning and purpose.
Look for connections between your best and worst moments. Outline any connections you find.
Interview people who know you. Sometimes we need another perspective on our lives.
Write your first draft. Stay on schedule.
Let your first draft sit for at least a month. This idle time lets you come back to the draft with a fresh outlook.
Read the draft and revise any sections that you don't like.
Let this revised draft sit for a few weeks, then read and revise it again. Repeat this step as many times as you feel necessary.
Give your polished draft to a trusted reader. Listen to their comments, and make further revisions.
Write Your Autobiography
Some useful links:
How to write the Autobiography
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Textbook of English

Exam Excellence
Attention to all students from the 10th and 11th grades of our Hadiach school #4.
Here is the link how to download the textbook "Exam Excellence"

Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hundreds of new ideas, hundreds of new links, hundreds of the useful articles and hundred tons of positive emotions...
The most impressive for me during these ten weeks was our communication, sharing with our experience and full understanding each other.
We have known much interesting and useful information for changing our teaching style, for changing our lifes. We are here at the finish line, so we are the champions...
Piece of advice for my readers: it's never late to learn- if you, as a teacher, will learn and discover new horizonts, then your students will follow your example and develop students' autonomy
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Week 9 : May 31- June 6
I like the words by our friend Khang from Vietnam, that time flies, while we are walking...
These nine weeks were very informative for us. We've got new ideas, new knowledge, we found new friends!!! Almost everybody is going to share his or her new knowledge with other teachers. They are going to conduct seminars and trainings, print books or create on-line books. And to my mind, it will be the best reflection after 10-week online course with Deborah and Universtity of Oregon.
Now I am finishing to create the Power Point presentation with all useful sites and links, which we were working during last weeks.
One of the most important things at our course is -our TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED PROJECT. We were working with our project since our second week of the course and even don't think about any diffuculties or problems (except project report - but thanks to Bulent and Nadina, even typing of report was a pleasure thing). By the way, the educational board of my district is very interested in my project and asked me to give them copy of my report.
In fact we all were involved in technology project - we used Nicenet class, Google-site, Snapgrade evaluation, Delicious bookmark and other useful sites. And now, it seems that we knew all these tools for many years.
This week was very practical. Deborah gave us a lot of wonderful sites, which contain very useful tools for creation worksheets, quizzes , crosswords, grammar activities etc.
I have created my own Nicenet class for my future 10th grade students. According to the national curriculum we have 8 topics for learning in the 10th class, so I’ve created discussions for each topic of the future academic year, and in September I’ll present our new virtual class to my students.
Also, I’ve created the Google-site for my elder students from different classes. Next year I’ll have third, eighth, ninth and tenth grades, so my site is addressed to all students, where I will post all news and interesting tasks.
A new discovery for me this week was HOT POTATO program. At the beginning of our course Nadina has already told about it, but the setup file, which I’ve downloaded didn’t work, but this wee I tried Russian version, not English and it was OK, and I’ve created a simple activity about shopping. There are two variants of using hot potato activities – at the home browser and in the Internet, if you upload it to . Now I understand why everybody is so excited in his or her posts at Nicenet about using hot potato.
Besides creation of the on-line activities, we have some site for creation paper worksheets and other materials. Well, it is mainly for the beginner level of learners, but there are a lot of different opportunities. I like, where you can download ready-to –use audio and worksheets for them in various topics. And site I have used before, here is a picture of my second grade students at their last lesson, after they got the certificates from
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Week 8 : May 24-30

During two last weeks we had to write our project report draft and sent it due Wednesday to our partners for peer review. My partner in Bulent from Turkey, but we also exchanged our reports with Nadina from Romania. And I would like to thank them for their comments.
ABCD -objectives of my project:
During the preparation to the English school exam (C) students of the 9th grade (A) will create wikispace page and will work with the exam cards (reading, grammar, writing and speaking) with 100% accuracy.
The second part of the week we were speaking about learner autonomy and created lesson-plan for one-computer class.
At Nicenet I wrote the whole lesson-plan following the template, which was given us on the 4th week for the technology-enhanced lesson. It is a lesson about endangered animals for the 9th grade students. I took the article from scholastic news on-line magazine about pandaTai Shan.

As Wikipedia says, Tai Shan is the first panda cub born at the National Zoo to survive for more than a few days. During 4 years he lived in the USA and became a favourite animal for millions visitors of the Zoo. The special web camera was set in the cage of a small panda and everybody could watch video on-line. But according to agreement between China and the USA on February 4, Tai Shan left the National Zoo for his new home at Bifengxia Panda Base in Ya'an, Sichuan, China. Since December 2009 a lot of American newspapers, magazines and TV-programs were told about giant panda.
One more thing, which I have learnt this week. Every time, when I read Hala's blog, I admire with her pictures, which include topic of the week. I understood that she uses a great site for decoration of the pictures and creating photo frames .
Pictures in this post are made with help of this site. Thank you, Hala!!!
And, one more pleasure thing.
Well, I really like my job, I like kids and I like school, but ... Last bell and graduation ball are my favourite holidays at school!!! And this week we had both. On Thursday we said "Good bye, lessons" and on Friday was a ball for our 11th grade students and they said "Good bye, school ".
So, now I'll have more free time for finishing our course. From Monday I begin my work in the school summer camp for primary students - it will be fun.
Eurovision in OSLO - 2010
The best thing in our course is our diversity. We are so different, but at the same time we have a lot of things in common.
And one of them is Eurovision – the best song contest among European countries. During the week songs unite people from all the states of Europe.
The winner of Eurovision 2010 in Oslo became Lena from Germany with her song "Satellite"
As we know, among us we have some participants from European countries.
The second place in the contest took – Manga from Turkey - WE COULD BE THE SAME
Congratulation, Bulent!!!
The third place took Paula Seling & Ovi from Romania, with the song “Playing with fire”
Congratulation, Nadina!!!
Filipa Azevedo from Portugal with song "Há Dias Assim" took 18 th place
Congratulation, Susana !
And our Ukrainian Alyosha with song “Sweet People” took the 10th place.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Week 7: May 17-23
I begin to worry about the end of our course. And the reason is not our project task, which we have to discuss with our partner - NO. The main reason of my sadness is - finishing of our course.
Every week so much new information, so much new ideas!!!
This week we spoke about the teaching of the large class. And it is not that large Ukrainian class, where we have about 25 students - NO. It is a really large class with 100 students. Of course, we understand that the main teaching method in such class will be lecture. But it should be not a sleepy lecture - NO - it should be INTERACTIVE.
This week I have known about one amazing method - Just-in-time Teaching.

Simply speaking it is a method when the teacher send some useful links or tests or other materials of the lecture before the class, and students come to the class knowing the topic of the lesson.
Here is video about “Just-in-time Teaching” by Karen Grove, San Francisco University (
Also I like the idea with small task, challenge at the end of the lesson on the note-cards, where she asks students questions relating to covered topics.
The next topic of the 7th week is INTERACTIVE Power Point Presentation. Everybody use PPT in teaching, it is very simple to present any information using it. We know that it is better to see then only listen to the material. If you are teacher you have to think about the visualisation of your words.
BUT have you known about 7x7 rule (7 words in 7 lines), or about the empty sheeet slide as a chance to focus more attention to the presenter and his/her words. Have you heard about the influence to the brain of different colours and size of fonts?
So, there are so much "secrets" about using Power Point.
By the way I have created my own Jeopardy game about the United KIngdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - and it was great to play with hyperlinks during work.
And the last, but not least thing this week - I have a new partner for peer review.
This is Bülent Alan from Turkey. He has been teaching for eleven years. He is an lecturer at a small university in the East of Turkey.He teaches English Grammar to the first grades,and likes to do it. Being with the young people makes his job more intresting. (from his introduction section in Nicenet at the beginning of our course ).
This is his blog: